Mixed Fleet project's Aparajita Chowdhury and Veronika Zigraiova visited Mitsubishi Logisnext (MLE) warehouse in Järvenpää to conduct a user study to understand warehouse workers’ perspective and expectations towards collaborating with automated guided vehicles in mixed fleet environment.
The study visits were conducted on 11th and 13th of December and they were a part of Mixed Fleet project research. A mixed fleet environment is a setup where autonomous machines and human workers or manually operated machines are working together in the same work flow.
To begin with the user study, they gave a small introduction about the future mixed fleet environment and automated guided vehicles (AGV) that operate in the warehouse. Pekka Loikkanen, Demo Area Manager and Janne Romppainen, Senior User Experience Designer kindly operated one of the automated forklifts to demonstrate the machine’s operation. Later, the participants were asked about their expectations and perceptions of such automated vehicles, as well as any concerns they had regarding cooperation with them. They were also inquired about the challenges they foresee in working alongside these vehicles and how they would prefer to communicate with them in the future.
Read more about the visit from the blog written by Aparajita Chowdhury and Veronika Zigraiova here: https://blogs.tuni.fi/cs/research/make-warehouse-great-again-understanding-users-perceptions-and-expectations-towards-automated-guided-vehicles-in-mixed-fleet-environments/.
