Safety in Mixed Fleets
WP4: Safety in Mixed Fleets
The goal of this Work Package is to research and develop system safety concepts that ensure adequate safety in mixed fleet environments. Achieving this is crucial for the commercialization of the Mixed Fleet operational model, as it enables manual machines and human workers to collaborate seamlessly and productively with automated machines. Therefore, technical systems and organizations must employ proactive, risk-informed decision-making capabilities. In collaboration with companies, new safety risks associated with mixed fleet environments are identified and analyzed through industrial case studies.
Research questions:
What new safety risks arise in mixed fleet environments?
How do existing safety standards apply to mixed fleet models, and where do they pose challenges for commercialization?
How can situational data be utilized for proactive safety measures?
What new safety solutions are needed for system-level risk management, both technically and organizationally?
Lead organization and contact person:
VTT, Research Scientist Josepha Berger