Human and Autonomous Machines

WP1: Human and Autonomous Machines
This Work Package focuses on human-centered research and design to understand human behavior, experience, and roles in collaboration between manned and unmanned machines in various mixed fleet environments (e.g., indoor warehouse logistics, outdoor logistics). Through participatory design, field studies, and knowledge from psychology, the research explores how people perceive these work environments and identifies the models necessary for seamless collaboration. It also examines natural communication and interaction methods between humans and machines.
Research questions:
What cognitive factors are involved in designing human-machine interaction in mixed fleet environments?
What are the needs and motivational factors for human workers in these environments?
How do human workers perceive the environment and collaboration in work settings with both manned and unmanned machines?
What design principles should be considered for human-machine interaction in such environments?
What interaction models can be developed for different mixed fleet environments?
Lead organization and contact person:
Tampere University, Dr. Aino Ahtinen